
The Hebraic Institute Certification Program


Starting in January 2025, the Hebraic Institute will now offer three certification tracks:


  1. Certificate in Biblical Studies is a 10-hour, 5-course program that includes one-quarter of Biblical Hebrew. This is a beginning pathway to understanding the Bible from the writer's worldview.

  2. Advanced Certificate in Biblical Studies is a 20-hour 10-course program that includes two quarters of Biblical Hebrew. This course will build on the Certificate program and advance the student in their understanding of scripture and applying it to the modern world.

  3. Master's Certificate in Biblical Studies is a 30-hour 15-course program that includes three-quarters of Biblical Hebrew and one-quarter of Biblical Greek. This course builds on the Advanced certificate and will give the student additional skills in sharing and teaching. In addition, this master’s level curriculum provides the student with classes on prophecy and understanding roles of individual callings and the overall role of the local and universal body of Messiah.

Coming soon:

  • Complete list of  classes (more than triple the number of classes currently offered!)
  • Registration  

What is the Hebraic Institute?

The Hebraic Institute offers a series of courses designed to advance students’ Biblical Literacy and Hebraic Thinking.  Each course provides a larger context of Biblical understanding and perspective. As students work through the courses they can expect an increase in their knowledge of  G-d, experience with Him and a growing passion for the scriptures and faith community involvement.

Who should attend?

The Institute is designed for high school graduates and adult learners. Whether you are a person desiring to become a minister professionally or desire to be challenged as a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, these courses will meet the need.

The classes provide teaching and discussion platforms as well as student-to-student interaction. This school is one of discoveries and challenge. HI is committed to the Bible as the true written word of G-d. This is the driving force behind every course. If you want to understand the land of Israel, the ancient path, the people who lived and wrote the Bible and Yeshua in his context on the earth then this school is for you.

Online & In-Person Classes:

Online classes are available for students who cannot meet at scheduled class time or location.