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Be One is a ministry founded on the basis of Psalm 133:1-3 and John 17:20-23. Check out our “About” section to learn more.
Be One stands on two pillars:
Be One Fellowship is a community of followers of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). We gather weekly to celebrate Shabbat and annually to rehearse the Biblical Feasts. We build relationships with each other through G-d as disciples of Messiah Yeshua. Learn more about us on the Be One Fellowship page.
Be One Equipping provides training and education to encourage Biblical literacy through a Hebraic worldview. Our focus is to provide resources and opportunities for anyone to grow in their Biblical knowledge. Dive into Equipping on our Learning/Resources page.
Each pillar compliments the other. Together they provide a strong foundation for the followers of Messiah. As you explore this site you will find multiple places to connect to Be One Fellowship or Be One Equipping.
We invite you to join Be One to relive and rehearse one of the greatest Biblical stories the world has ever heard. You will participate in a full Passover Seder experience, praise and worship, enjoy a fabulous meal and experience the presence of G-d.
Saturday, April 19th
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